OSM Leagues Module allows you to run leagues for registration, accepting payments, results, scoring (website and phone app),virtual card, reporting and many other features.
Our field management allows you control over when games are played by different Divisions (i.e. U10 vs U16), even using the same fields.

OSM provides you with the ability to create online stores to sell a multitude of products.
These stores are created at multiple levels and the products are available to members in their Membership Portal for purchase. They are also displayed during the process of League and Membership registration so the player or member can purchase one or more products during registration process.

OSM uses a simple clean design approach to enable our users to quickly adapt to the system. This creates effective users.
This UI design approach is consistent across all modules and screens..

Implementation with OSM can be extremely fast. It depends on how much historical data you want to import. Once that is identified and imported, we can get you up and running using OSM in 60 days or less!