| Registration is one of the major revenues for a sport, if not its primary. It also poses several challenges; ease of use, availability, collections, pricing, funds distribution and accounting. OSM provides a feature rich solution to managing registration at every level of the organization.
Omni Sports Management provides a flexible method of creating, pricing and administrating membership fees. These fees can be broken down to the lowest levels (ie. insurance, field maintenance, etc.) for reporting and funds distribution. Fees can be assigned at multiple levels (i.e. organization, association/state, district/zone, clubs, league, team, event, tournament) and be financially managed. The end user (team or participant) will only see a single registration fee.
OSM also provides family memberships with age and family size controls.
Emails are sent to the registrant upon payment (if immediate) or upon acceptance of their registration. These emails are sent from the email address specified by your organization.
Our service uses SSL encryption as well as Token and encryption technologies to insure security of financial and other sensitive information.
The major features of OSM - Registration Management are:  - Flexible Definition of Fees
- Fee Distribution Reporting
- Fee Definition and assignment at each level
- Application Processing (Automatic and Pending)
- Email notification and receipts
- EMail Manager for communications to members and other defined contacts. Beacon used to get open results.
- Maintain member history of previous seasons, teams, events, etc.
- Email Reminders for licenses, memberships,and expiration of
- Official and Coach registration and management.
- Ad Hoc queries (output to Excel)
- Print Membership cards
- Virtual Card on iPhone/Android App
- Report Writer
- Ability to create your own memberships by age group, gender, etc.
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